Sunday, March 23, 2008

Healthcare Reform Part I - Insurance

The United States is the only country in the industrialized world that does not assure insurance to cover the catastrophic medical care costs of all its citizens. But Republicans and Democrats differ widely on how to address this problem. Here is a proposed compromise that offers universal coverage but with a change in the tax code, more personal responsibility for behaviors, and reduced insurance costs through lessened mandates. It also returns to true insurance, not prepaid medical care. Use high deductibles and HSAs but offer primary care and preventive care to those who truly cannot afford it.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Recap of Medical Megatrends Part II

As a result of engineering and computer science advances we can expect to see major improvements in imaging - both anatomic and now also molecular or functional imaging; smaller and more powerful medical devices; big changes in the operating room including simulation and robots; and a functional electronic medical record. Look for acceptance of complementary medical techniques such as acupuncture, massage and meditation. And expect hospitals to become more safe for you and your loved ones.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Recap of Medical Megatrends Part I

We review here the five basic medical megatrends that will occur in the coming five to fifteen years including the concept of customed-tailored medicine, the change from "diagnose and treat" to "predict and prevent;" repairing, restoring or replacing tissues or organs; the advent of truly electronic medical records and fewer preventable medical errors. Look for major advances in genomics, stem cells, vaccines and transplantation as a result of much greater understanding of basic biomedical science.